Payment Information


All products displayed in our store are priced in Canadian Dollars (CAN $).


Taxes on sales will be charged in accordance with the provincial and federal rates applicable to the province where an order is to be shipped. Customers will not be subject to any obligations upon delivery.

Payment Method

We acknowledge payments made through, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, email money transfers (INTERAC e-Transfer). Any other credit cards like American Express can be used to make payments at checkout via PayPal.

E-Transfer Refunds

Any E-Transfer refunds that are less than CAN $10 will be given as store credit (coupon).

Secure Payment

We are a certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. Our online store fulfills each of the six classifications of PCI standards: Maintain a Secure Network, Regularly Monitor and Test Networks, Maintain an Information Security Policy, Protect Cardholder Data, maintain a Vulnerability Management Program, and Implement Strong Access Control Measures.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a data security standard for associations that deal with debit and credit card information. Characterized by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, the standard was founded to reduce credit card fraud through exposure by increasing credit card data controls.