
142 products

Hydroponics can best be explained as a method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soils, other materials are used to not only promote root support but also provide the plants with nutrients through the use of nutrient-rich water to optimize growth.

If you are interested in hydroponics and want to give it a try, we have outlined some basic stuff you need to know and consider before investing in a hydroponic garden. This is followed by a variety of materials you can purchase from our online grow shop to start a successful indoor hydroponic garden.

v  Water: Water is life and plants require water to survive and thrive. Fresh water with the appropriate pH is, therefore, important for a successful hydroponic farm. You can maintain your hydroponic farms’ pH with solutions that you can buy from our grow shop.

v  Soil substitute: To help support your plants, having a soil substitute is essential for all hydroponic gardens. Different varieties of grow media can be used instead of soil. You can get more details from our ‘Grow Media’ category on the types of grow media we have in stock for you to purchase.

v  Nutrients: without soil, even the most basic nutrients are unavailable for plants in a hydroponic garden. Your garden, therefore, requires nutrient-rich plant foods to promote your plants’ growth and yield. You can get all the essential nutrients your hydroponic garden needs right here at All Grow Garden and Distribution.

v  Oxygen: You should ensure that your plants have adequate oxygen throughout the growth phase. The containers you use for your garden need to be oxygenated. To achieve this, you can use supplies such as air pumps and air stones that you can get at our online grow shop at affordable prices.

v  Light sources: Being indoors means that your hydroponic garden does not have direct access to direct sunlight. To substitute for this, you will be required to use artificial lighting sources. You can maximize your plants’ success by our using high-quality and efficient light sources and accessories.

Hydroponic farming not only allows growers to growers to grow any type of crop at any location all year long but also results in the attainment of higher yields despite small spaces.

Hydroponic farms also give your plants a controlled environment with the perfect conditions, materials, and light for optimal growth and production.

Start your own indoor hydroponic garden now with accessories, materials, and hydroponic supplies from our online hydroponic store.

142 products
Plastic Nursery Pot
from $0.99
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Super Sprouter Quad Thick Tray
ThermoFlo Duct Clamps
from $1.99
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Rainmaker 5 Gallon Batt. Powered Spray
Rainmaker 4Gal & 5Gal Sprayer Lance Assembly
PRO-MIX CX Biostimulant
from $4.24
Rainmaker Telescopic Watering Wand (36" - 60")
Rainmaker Battery Powered 18 Volt Lithium Ion Backpack Sprayer 4 Gallon
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Mist & Spray Deluxe Tank Sprayer 2.0L / 2.1 Qt
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Gilmour Backpack Spray 17L /4.5
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Gilmour 2Gal Deck/Utility Spray
Agrinnova Water Wand
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Solo Sprayer 2L
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Root Lowell Port. Sprayer/Atmzr
Rainmaker Revol. Coiled Hose 3/8"X50Ft
Rainmaker Lithium Battery Charging Station
Rainmaker 4Gal & 5Gal Spare Parts Kit
Rainmaker 3 Gal Pump Sprayer
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Rainmaker 2 Gal Pump Sprayer
Rainmaker 1 Gal Pump Sprayer
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Rainmaker Lithium Ion Station (12/C)
Mondi Premium Sprayer 1.4L G400
Grow1 Electric Atomizer 4Gal
Gro1 2L (.5 Gal) Hand Sprayer
Giro's 60Mm Flexible Handle
Sale price $11.88 Regular price $13.98 Save $2.10
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Gilmour Multipurpose Hand Sprayer 1/2 Gal
Dramm Rain Wand 16"
Dramm One-Touch 30" Rain Wand
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Dramm Aluminum Shut-Off
Dramm 48'' Handi-Reach HD Aluminum
Dramm 400Pl Plastic Breaker
Dramm 400Al Aluminum Breaker
Dramm 36" Handi-Reach
Dramm 30" Handi-Reach
Dramm 30'' Pro Water Wand
Dramm 3/4" Brass
Dramm 24" Handi-Reach
Dramm 170Pl Plastic Nozzle
Dramm 170Al Aluminum Nozzle
Dramm 1000Pl Redhead Nozzle